Fox Hollow Farm Investigation

Date: August 8, 2015

Location: 1111 E. 156th St., Carmel, Indiana 46032

Telephone: 317-217-8338

Owners: Robert & Vicki Graves

History: Fox Hollow Farm was built around 1972. This location is associated with one of Indiana’s most prolific serial killers, Herbert Richard Baumeister who is alleged to have killed at least eight young men on the property including; Johnny Bayer, 20; Allen Wayne Broussard, 28; Roger A. Goodlet, 33; Richard D. Hamilton, 20; Steven S. Hale, 26; Jeff Allen Jones, 31; and Michael Kiern, 46, all of Indianapolis; and Manuel Resendez, 31, of Lafayette. There were probably more bodies never identified due to Baumeister burning some of the bones and discarding them throughout the property.

He married in 1971, a union that produced three children. He founded the Sav-a-Lot chain in 1988, and quickly became an affluent, well-liked member of the community. In the early 1990s a number of gay men began disappearing in the area and the trail eventually led investigators to the Baumeister property. Baumeister, knowing that authorities were on to him and only ten days after bodies were discovered on his property, escaped to Canada where he committed suicide at Pinery Provincial Park in Ontario on July 3, 1996 before he could ever be brought up on charges.

Most of the victims were strangled by Baumeister who most likely had sex with them and then afterwards buried them on his property. Some of the initial remains were found approximately eight feet from his backyard patio. The trees on the property have been cut back since those atrocities occurred. Other bodies were found in a deep depression near the garage and Cool Creek.





Hauntings: An apparition has been seen near the garage area from time to time. A black shadow figure hangs out on the path in the forest and near the little bridge is where a shadow figure was encountered running up on people.

In the Master Bedroom some say there is a portal and many other people have experienced things there. Vicky Graves says she hates the Master Bathroom area where EVPs have been captured on prior investigations.

The attic and the crawlspace have never been investigated.

In the kitchen, hanging pots and pans move by themselves.

In the basement over the pool table is where Baumeister had a video camera to record him killing his victims. It’s in this area where dark shadows are often encountered. The pool area is where most of the murders probably took place and it’s extremely active.

In the pump room is where Baumeister probably stored the victims’ bodies before eventually burying them outside in the woods. This is considered the most active room in the building by many. Strange noises and disembodied voices have been heard.

In an apartment where Joe Le Blanc once stayed, there has been an apparition going back and forth, noises and even a door knocker that sounded rather loudly one evening with nobody outside. Joe had terrible dreams about being chased through the woods. About three weeks after moving into the apartment, he was taking his dog, Fred, for an evening walk when he took off running into the woods. Joe saw a man in a red shirt walk into the woods. He came face to face with the man in the red shirt.

While swimming in the pool one day with some friends, Joe had the sensation of two ice cold hands on his shoulders and then was dragged under the water. Joe has actually seen an apparition of a terrified man in his apartment one evening.

Vicki has seen a man in the red shirt disappear into a stand of trees one afternoon in broad daylight! While vacuuming up around the pool area one day, the cord was pulled out of the wall socket several times.  



The Ghost Research Society investigated Fox Hollow Farm August 8, 2015. Team members included: Stan Suho, Marge Sucha, Kathie Para, Jim Piscopo, Charles Williams, Michael Wright, Katherine Meagher and Dale Kaczmarek 









Equipment setup: The Command Center was setup in a basement room right next to the pool table. A static IR camcorder was positioned outside facing towards the stand of trees where the man in the red shirt has been seen, while another camcorder was facing in the general direction of the wooded area. Piscopo set a third static IR camcorder in the pool area where so many men were killed. All of these camera positions were monitored on a large monitor and a quad-splitter to see all the cameras on the screen at the same time. Additional IR illumination was provided using large IR illuminators in the backyard.

Experiments performed: EVP, Ovilus X and Ghost Box sessions were performed in the pool area, Joe’s apartment and Pump Room. We would have liked to conduct additional sessions in the backyard but the cricket sound was so loud it would have contaminated any possible EVP voices that we might have picked up.

Personal experiences:

Katherine Meagher: I have investigated hospitals, nursing homes, jails, museums, bed and breakfasts, asylums, boats, including cemeteries and mausoleums with and without the group. This is the first time I investigated a serial killer’s home. I have to admit that I was a little apprehensive. My brain has a tendency of working on over time. I have said before I am a skeptic but, if there is a chance that there are bad energies from somewhere else, I really don't want it to follow me home.

Deceased serial killer, Herbert Richard Baumeister’s home was absolutely beautiful. The new residences now have added on in the home and it is in magnificent condition. This is a place I would enjoy living with or without history that is not particularly nice.

 I would like to explain my skeptic mind. Many people believe goose bumps and the uneasy feelings you get in a so-called haunted place are attributed to spirit. I do not. Your mind is very powerful and it can trick the rest of your senses. With the electrical connections in your brain, your mind can create physical feeling just with your emotions. Leaving batteries in a battery-operated gismo will drain the battery. Everyone has had a child’s toy start going off in a toy box at one time or another, because of poor battery charge. With this, I cannot truly believe in all the equipment we use. K-II meters pick up electrical current. Some ghost busters believe that it shows sign of spirit. I am not a believer. These are a few reasons why I am a disbeliever. Electrical current flows through the earth, there are electrical power lines that affect the K-II. Some of the buildings we investigate still have electric power and batteries will hold electrical current. K-II meters will pick up on these external components so it's not necessarily a ghost. The phenomenon is intriguing but there is hardly any time on debunking so, I cannot fully believe. Even with all the gadgets that we use it still makes it interesting.

I like to play with dowsing rods. No I'm not saying I believe in these either but it is kind of fun, just like all the crazy little toys we have. 

Michael, Marge, and I we're sitting in the billiard room doing dousing rod session. Just so you know Dowsing rods answer yes and no question by movement. My rods open for yes and close for no. We started asking questions and I could feel the rods trying to move but to no avail of definitive answers. Just after the session began, multiple possible victims began pulling at the rods. I requested that only one individual at a time answers, ‘they’ agreed. As we dug into spiritual the gist of questioning the individuals and they said that the reason they were staying at the house was the fact that they didn't want to cross over to be judged. It was a good session but as I said before I cannot verify that it was actual spirit speaking to us. If anyone knows about dousing rods they are effective in finding water, they can find lost objects but you also have to remember that the energy within you comes through the rods. Sometimes the questioning might be answered by your own belief system.

Here is another story that was interesting. Mike and I were out by the burn area doing an EVP session when Mike saw something running through the yard. He had made a loud sound of excitement and made motion to flee. I have to tell you, I almost had a heart attack. He had thought it was a skunk high tailing it towards us but I who had not seen what he was reacting to almost went into a full panic attack. This is how thoughts can put you into a craze of fear. The experience was pretty stimulating, though.  

I had a great time in this home and enjoyed a long conversation with the owner and the young lady that gave us a tour of the premises. History, good or bad is in my forte. It’s always fun listening to the stories of unexplained happenings and the power of intrigue that ghost stories bring.

Equipment used: Digital Camera, Nicon 16.0 Megapixels 20x zoom capability, Digital Tape recorder, Olympus VN-702pc, Bell & Howell DNV16HDZ Full HD Rogue Night Vision, Camcorder, Stealth Cam G42Ng 10 MP Trail Camera, K-II meter and Dowsing Rod: brass

Kathie Para: Ghost research Society investigated the notorious Fox Hollow Farm, the property where serial killer Herb Baumeister lived and ended the lives of many young men. Present that night were Dale, Stan, Jim, Kat, Mike, Marge and myself.

The property was expansive and the house was large and beautiful. Hardly what one would expect from a place with such a sordid past.

We took a tour of the grounds, where most of the bodies had been discarded, and the house before setting up our equipment. We set up cameras both outside and inside the house. Surprisingly, there was not the ominous feeling I had expected. I had no feeling of anything negative but did feel sadness. Perhaps the only spirits that linger there are those of the victims.

I got no significant evidence in the master bathroom or the apartment. We focused our investigation on the basement where the murders took place, in and around the pool.

In the pool room we got many very interesting responses from both the Ovilus and the Ghost Box, one of which sounded like the name of one of our investigators, Kat. I captured two whispers and also footsteps on audio. I have submitted these along with this report. Also, during this EVP session by the pool my Melmeter jumped up to over 8.0 at the same time a K-II meter located nearby started responding. The Melmeter then registered over 100 degrees and stayed there. I then changed the battery. My thought is that whatever was making the meter respond drained the battery. I support this by the fact that the K-II also responded at the same time.

The pump room right next to the pool was very active. Dale, Jim, Chuck and I went into this small room armed with all kinds of equipment. At first we got some very interesting responses from the Ovilus. We also heard thumps coming from the other side of the wall two times. About ten minutes in my K-II started responding to us. After a while I asked to please make the K-II go into the red, which it did. We then knew we had communication and the K-II easily responded to us. I got goose bumps a couple times and we had fluctuations in the temperature of the room. I believe we were in contact with a victim who wanted us to recognize him. Chuck asked if he could say a prayer for “him” and after the prayer was said things calmed down and seemed peaceful. It was pretty intense.

I was very happy to get the opportunity to visit Fox Hollow Farm and would jump at the chance to make a return visit!

Jim Piscopo: We arrived about 7:30pm and got a tour and history of the estate. We unloaded our equipment and decided where everyone would set up.

I setup my camcorder in the pool area catching the back wall and the door of the pump room. After I set up I helped Dale with his equipment outside. After we had everything set we did various EVP sessions throughout the house.

While walking around the grounds and the house I did not have any unusual feelings or experiences.


Marge Sucha: The day we investigated was extremely hot & muggy.   We arrived at the farm around 7:30 PM.  As we pulled up the drive way my first thought was what a beautiful location.  I was surprised how warm and inviting the property felt.   

We were given a tour of the property and house.  During the tour we were told some of the gruesome details of the property and shown some of the hot spots of the location. 

We did an EVP session in the master bathroom.  

We had some great responded using the SB-7 spirit box.  Chuck turned on his spirit box and said "Hello";   it sounded like the spirit box responded "What?"  Chuck replied “I said Hello” We had some good responses to our questions.  I also felt a heaviness in my ears while in there.

In the Pool Room we had fluctuations on the Mel meter and temperature readings.  The K-II meter was also lighting up.  We had interesting direct responses on the Ovilus to our questions. 

While in the Apartment/ Party Room- We had fluctuations on the Melmeter and also picked up some interesting responses on the Ovilus.  Dale had seen a shadow in the bedroom. 

Kat, Mike & I did a dowsing rod session in the room w/ the bar.  We got some direct replies.   Next we moved into the Pool Pump room.  It felt very heavy in this room.

Other than our tour we did not get a chance to explore the grounds. 

Despite the gruesome background Fox Hollow Farm felt warm and inviting.  I hope we get a chance to return.  I would love to explore the grounds.

Stan Suho: Wow, talk about a frightful reputation, this place has one. If there is a place that deserves to be haunted, this is one. Quite a large place to cover with a small team. There are the house, grounds, and the surrounding woods. We arrived a bit later than we wanted to, so the setup time was cut back a bit. I setup my IR camera in the backyard focused on the woods where several bodies were found. The place was well illuminated by one of Dale's big IR lights. I also had the Ghost Microphone there with the usual problems of outdoor nighttime recording. The crickets rule the night. This place might be a good place for a late fall investigation. The whole setup was monitored by Dale's Quad Splitter System. Got to figure out a way to record the output of this thing. Jim was setup next door in the pool area. This was another very active area. I did not bring along the G.E.I.S.T. along on this trip. Instead I brought along my microwave radio link to play with. I used it to link the woods to the basement command post.   This was another place where we could have used several more cameras. The
EVP team was busy doing their usual excellent work. Most of the evidence we get is of an audible nature. More cameras would give us a better chance of capturing that elusive "full torsal phantasm".

  Great place to investigate, next time with an earlier start.

Chuck Williams: Equipment: My usual rig I carry with me; full spectrum camera, full spectrum GoPro camera, 2 IR lights.  Digital recorder, Rem Pod, Melmeter, Spirit Box were tools used throughout.  A night vision camera with 2 ultraviolet lights was set up in the pump room near the pool.

Personal Experiences:  Before our walkthrough, I walked around the estate, taking pics.  I felt a little odd around the clump of thin trees in the back, later identified as the area they saw the man in the red shirt disappear into.  I took pics, without results. 

Experiments:  After set up, we went into the master bedroom, because the owners would be returning.  They claimed people felt odd in the washroom, I noted no such feelings.  Most of the investigation focused on the basement.  While waiting on the others, I did a small EVP session in the weight room.  We then covered the pool.  We then did the recreation area behind the pool.  Some of us split from here and covered the pump room.  Kathy was getting good responses to her K-II meter.  My Mel Meter was close and got none.  Not much was noted with the senses. 

Of special note the Gauss Meter part of the Melmeter registered 0.0 in most area of the house.  It must be really well insulated.  The home owners take a lot of pride in the home, and are continually repairing and renovating.  Despite its past, the owners are making this a loving home.  I was impressed with its grandeur and beauty.  I also love the way they remember the past, by keeping the sign in the drive, and permitting this investigation. 

I can’t wait to get into evidence review on this case, and would love another investigation here, especially in early spring or late fall when the foliage has dissipated, and the wooded area surrounding the home could be fully investigated in detail. 

 Michael Wright: After arriving at Fox Hollow we were given a brief tour of the house and surrounding property. During the tour we were given a history of the property and the deaths that occurred there.

Even with the gruesome history of the property I did feel uneasy there, it was mostly a quiet night, there was some unusual activity from the Ovilus in the pool area, the words Stigmata, clairvoyant and medium came through in a short time span.

Marge Kat and I conducted a EVP/dowsing rod session in the recreation room downstairs across from the pool, did not pick up any EVPs but got some interesting and compelling responses from the dowsing rods

Marge, Kathie Chuck and I went in the main area restroom to do an EVP session because there was reported activity that went on there but I did not pick up anything there.
The group conducted an EVP session in the upstairs apartment, which also was quiet except for a few words from the Ovilus.

I went with Kat outside to conduct a dowsing rod session by the new garages in the area were some of the bodies were burned but It was very loud because of the tree frogs, we also got startled by the very friendly cat which came running through the bushes so we ended our session after a few minutes.

Fox Hollow was quiet but it was definitely worth investigating.

Dale Kaczmarek: This was a fascinating and a little creepy place given the past history of mayhem and murder that occurred here in the past. There was a number of interesting words that came through the Ovilus X in dictionary mode while we were in the pool area where the murders occurred. Paralysis, dig, Lynn and several paranormal and miraculous overtures such as; medium, answer, stigmata and clairvoyant. The latter two of which has never come through the device in the past.

We did receive a momentary hit of 8.0 on a Melmeter about the same time of several K-II fluctuations and then a temperature reading of 115 degrees. While the latter could have been caused by a low battery, it was nevertheless interesting.

My Melmeter was a steady .5-.7 in the apartment area near a chest in front of one of the couches. We determined that there was probably something in the chest naturally creating this reading. I believe however to have witnessed some brief shadow play in the bedroom area of the apartment from no known natural cause. 

The weirdest thing however was my digital tape recorder shutting off just 25 seconds into the last EVP session in the Pump Room. The batteries were not dead and I cannot explain how that might have happened.

Evidence collected:

All the day fox hollow.MPG – while conducting an EVP session in the Pump Room, I make a comment, “How long does your digital say we’ve been doing this for?” A response is recorded saying, “All the day.”

Are you alright? Hey Merrill there’s one fox hollow.MPG – while walking in the house a series of voices are picked that say, “Are you alright?” “Hey” “Merrill” and “There’s one.”

Be sure to go upstairs fox hollow.MPG – during our initial walk-through a voice is picked up saying, “Be sure to go upstairs.”

Blowing fox hollow.MPG – while filming in the weight room, a strange blowing sound is heard in the background.

Chris fox hollow.MPG – while filming in the weight room, a whispery voice is recorded saying Chris.

Cry1 fox hollow.MPG – while conducting an Ovilus X session in the pool area, a female double-cry is heard followed by the Ovilus X saying, “It’s spooky.”

Cry2 fox hollow.MPG – while Williams is setting up his camera in the apartment area, a cry is recorded nearby.

Detective room fox hollow.MPG – while conducting an EVP session in the Pump Room, under William’s prayer, a voice said, “….detective room.”

Did you see that? Let’s go find some coffee fox hollow.MPG – while conducting an EVP session in the Pump Room, a distant deep male voice says, “Did you see that?” This is followed by Para saying, “23 minutes” and another deep voice in the background saying, “Let’s go find some coffee.”

Do it again puppy fox hollow.MPG – during our initial walk-through a child-like female voice is heard saying, “Do it again puppy.”

Feelings fox hollow.MPG – while conducting an EVP session in the apartment area, a number of people express a feeling of dread and panic.

Five fox hollow.MPG – while conducting a Ghost Box session in the Master Bedroom, a question is asked, “How many are with you?” The Ghost Box responds with, “Five.”

Footsteps fox hollow.MPG – while conducting an Ovilus X session in the pool area, footsteps are heard by all and natural explanations are ruled out.

Get away from ‘em fox hollow.MPG – while conducting an EVP session in the Pump Room, a voice in the other room say, “Get away from ‘em.”

Get out fox hollow.MPG – during our initial walk-through and just as we were entering into the Pump Room, a raspy voice sounds like it says, “Get out.”

Get through with this fox hollow.MPG – while walking along the wooded trail behind the house, a voice is heard saying, “Get through with this.”

Graveyard it’s the basement fox hollow.MPG – while conducting an EVP session in the apartment area, a whispery voice is heard saying, “Graveyard, it’s the basement.”

Help help fox hollow.MPG – during our initial walk-through a whispery voice is heard saying, “Help help.”

Help help knock knock fox hollow.MPG – during our initial walk-through on the wooded trail behind the house a voice is heard saying, “Help help” followed by “Knock, knock.”

Help me fox hollow.MPG – while conducting an EVP session in the Master Bedroom, a question was asked, “I heard you’re not too crazy about females, but we have two men here, maybe you want to communicate with them?” A low male voice says, “Help me.”

Help1 fox hollow.MPG – during our initial walk-through a voice is heard in the background saying, Help.”

Help2 fox hollow.MPG – while conducting a Ghost Box session in the Master Bedroom, a question is asked, “How are you?” The Ghost Box responds with, “Help.”

Hi fox hollow.MPG – while conducting a Ghost Box session in the pool area, a question is asked, “Who’s here with us?” The Ghost Box responds with, “Hi.”

High pitched voice fox hollow.MPG – Piscopo’s static IR camcorder placed in the pool area picks up the conversation of some of our team in the background and then a very high-pitched female voice saying, “Go outside” but the rest cannot be made out.

I ask you fox hollow.MPG – while conducting an Ovilus X session in the Pump Room, a question was asked, “Would it help if I prayed for you?” The Ovilus responds with, “I ask you.”

I don’t believe that was fox hollow.MPG – during our initial walk-through in the Master Bathroom, our guide said, “Yeha, that is the original tub” which Para responds, “Oh, seriously?” A deep male voice in the background says, “I don’t believe that was.”

I love you hello fox hollow.MPG – while conducting a Ghost Box session in the apartment area, the Ghost Box says, “I love you” followed by “hello.”

Is that true fox hollow.MPG – while conducting an EVP session in the apartment area, a comment was made, “Now is your time to give us a message if you have a message to give us.” A response says, “Is that true?”

Joe fox hollow.MPG – while conducting a Ghost Box session in the apartment area, a question was asked, “Who’s with us? The Ghost Box responds with, “Joe.”

K-II hits fox hollow.MPG – while conducting an EVP session in the Pump Room, a question was asked, “Is it Brian that you’re afraid of?” A series of K-II hits follow.

Klingover fox hollow.MPG – while conducting a Ghost Box session in the pool area, a question was asked, “Who’s Jason?” The Ghost Box responds with, “Klingover.”

Master bedroom Jerome fox hollow.MPG – while conducting a Ghost Box session in the master bedroom, a question was asked, “Tell us your name?” The Ghost Box responds with, “Jerome.”

Me fox hollow.MPG – while conducting an Ovilus X session in the pool area, a question was asked, and “Who likes to play water sports in here?” The Ovilus responds with, “Me.”

Medium fox hollow.MPG – while conducting an Ovilus X session in the pool area, a question was asked, “Do you know who said that?” The Ovilus responded with, “Medium.”

My guest vomit fox hollow.MPG – while filming in the bar area downstairs a voice is heard saying, “My guest” followed by what sounds like someone vomiting.

No fox hollow.MPG – while talking about the book, a voice in the background says, “No.”

No1 fox hollow.MPG – while talking about the book, a voice in the background says, “No.”

No2 fox hollow.MPG – while conducting a Ghost Box session in the Master Bathroom, a question was asked, “Did you say Jerome or Jermaine?” The Ghost Box responds with, “No.”

Noise fox hollow.MPG – while conducting an Ovilus X session in the pool area, a noise is heard and recorded.

Noises footsteps noises fox hollow.MPG – Piscopo’s static IR camcorder placed in the pool area capture some noises, followed by heavy footsteps and more noises.

Oh boy fox hollow.MPG – while conducting an EVP session in the Pump Room, a question was asked, “Can you give us your name?” Try really hard.” A whispery voice says, “Oh boy.”

Ok fox hollow.MPG – while conducting an EVP session in the Pump Room, a faint voice in the background says, “Ok” followed by the question, “Are we welcome in here?”

Out of time whisper fox hollow.MPG – while filming and moving into the pool area, Williams camera picks a whispery voice that says, “Out of time.”

Outside whisper fox hollow.MPG – during the initial walk-through in the woods behind the house, a breathy whisper is captured in the background.

Ow fox hollow.MPG – while conducting an Ovilus X session in the apartment area, a voice in the background says, “Ow.”

Ow in the sun fox hollow.MPG – while attempting to take a picture in the Pump Room, a comment was made, “I’m going to take a picture, so close your eyes, of just don’t look directly. A voice in the background says, “Ow in the sun.”

Perchance bastard fox hollow.MPG – during our initial walk-through, a very clear male voice says, “Perchance bastard.”

Please let me in fox hollow.MPG – during our initial walk-through in the woods behind the house and near the burn pile, a voice says, “Please let me in.”

Police Kelly fox hollow.MPG – during an Ovilus X session in the Pump Room, the Ovilus says, “Police.” A question is then asked, “Why were the police here?” The Ovilus responds with, “Kelly.”

Pool Kat fox hollow.MPG – while conducting a Ghost Box session in the pool area, a question was asked, “Can you say that name again? Who’s here with us?” The Ghost Box responds with a female-sounding voice, “Kat.”

Pool whisper fox hollow.MPG – while conducting an EVP session in the pool area, a question was asked, “Tell us your first name” A distinct whisper is recorded in the background.

Pump room response.MPG – while conducting an EVP session in the Pump Room, a question was asked, “Can you give us your name? Try really hard.” A response is recorded but cannot be made out.

Response fox hollow.MPG – while conducting a Ghost Box session in the apartment area, a comment was made, “Are you frustrated on how hard it is to talk?” The Ghost Box responds with something unrecognizable.

Scream1fox hollow.MPG – during our initial walk-through in the wooded area behind the house, a distant scream is heard.

Scream2 fox hollow.MPG – a scream is heard near the Weight Room.

Sorry fox hollow.MPG – while conducting an EVP session in the pool area, a question was asked, “Dale, who’s by the pool?” A raspy male voice says, “Sorry.”

Story fox hollow.MPG – during our initial walk-through, the guide was telling the group about the area and her sentence ends in “story.” Another voice also says, “Story” at the same time.

Thump1 fox hollow.MPG – while conducting an Ovilus X session in the Pump Room, a loud thump is heard.

Thump2 fox hollow.MPG – while conducting an Ovilus X session in the Pump Room, another thump is heard.

Um hello what fox hollow.MPG – while conducting a Ghost Box session in the apartment area, Williams says, “Hello.” The Ghost Box responds with, “Um, hello what.”

Video yeah fox hollow.MPG – while conducting a Ghost Box session in the Master Bathroom, a question was asked, “Our time grows short here, do you have anything you’d like to tell us before we leave?” The Ghost Box responds with, “Video” and “Yeah.”

Voice1 fox hollow.MPG – while looking for something in the bar area, a weird-sounding raspy voice is heard.

Voice2 fox hollow.MPG – Piscopo’s static IR camcorder in the pool area picks up a strange voice.

Wait fox hollow.MPG – during our initial walk-through and walking to another part of the house, a whispery voice says, “Wait.”

We’re hanging out by the outside here fox hollow.MPG – while in the apartment area, a strange whispery voice says, “We’re hanging out by the outside here.”

What are we asking for1 fox hollow.MPG – during our initial walk-through in the wooded area behind the house, a faint, distant female asks, “What are we asking for?”

What are we asking for2 fox hollow.MPG – while moving his camera in the bar area, Williams pick up a very low deep voice saying, “What are we asking for?”

What can I say fox hollow.MPG – during our initial walk-through and in the bar area our guide was telling the group about the location when a voice interrupts the guide and says, “What can I say?”

What KC fox hollow.MPG – while conducting an EVP session in the Pump Room, a faint female voice from another room says, “What KC.”

What1 fox hollow.MPG – during our initial walk-through our guide was telling us the history, when a faint voice in the background says, “What?”

What2 fox hollow.MPG – while conducting a Ghost Box session in the Master Bathroom, a greeting was conveyed, “Hello.” The Ghost Box responds with, “What?”

Whisper fox1 hollow.MPG – during our initial walk-through and before going upstairs, the team gathers at the bottom of the stairs while our guide was talking. A strange whisper is heard.

Whisper2 fox hollow.MPG – while conducting an EVP session in the Master Bedroom, a whisper is heard in the background.

Who’s that? Oh, it’s Calvin fox hollow.MPG – during our initial walk-through our guide was talking and there were no others in the house except us when in the background voices were recorded saying, “Who’s that?” followed by “Oh, it’s Calvin.”

Yeah secret fox hollow.MPG – while conducting an Ovilus X session in the Pump Room, a question was asked, “We have some friends in the bar area. Do they have any idea that he’s in there with them?” The Ovilus responds with, “Yeah” followed by “Secret.”

You’re right fox hollow.MPG – during our initial walk-through, our guide comments, “Might be a ghost attached to it.” A voice replies with, “You’re right.”

Ovilus X words:

While conducting a session in the pool area, the Ovilus X in dictionary mode said; paralysis, comfort, core, key, tough, trade, does, early, decided, medium, answer, stigmata, clairvoyant, best, sugar, dig, Lynn, lash, warrior, orb and there.

While conducting a session in the apartment area, the Ovilus X in dictionary mode said; section, question, tall, meline, move, bomb, sugar, school, harmonic, reservation, soil, read, spell, end, float, new moon, gentle, answer, manifest, trade, cents, column, tweak, digital, shining, tide and let.

Conclusions: A fantastic place to investigate but could have used more people and many more cameras to observe other areas of the house. I believe that there may indeed be some earthbound intelligent as well as residual spirits still residing at this location due, in part, to the EVPs, intelligent responses and disembodied voices that were captured throughout the night.

This would be an ideal location to spend the night and have equipment pretty much filming and taping throughout the investigation as I believe the spirits here have so much to tell the living. We only have to be able to listen, understand and respond to their needs from beyond the grave.

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© 2015 Dale Kaczmarek. All rights reserved.
Web site created by Dale Kaczmarek